Thursday, December 27, 2012

From the Commander
What a month, December was just packed with activity.  December 1st we had our toy run. And it was a great success.  There are so many to thank for their help and contribution of time, money, toys.  We needed a place to start the run, end the run and make it safe along the route.  Jack Smith started it off with coordinating with Home Depot for a staging area, arranged for sign-up tables, coffee, donuts, cookies, it was the perfect place for kick stands up and all enjoyed the eats as they visited.  Thanks to Bobby Murphy’s contact with Ribs BBQ we had an ideal place to end our run.  The food and service was excellent, so many great comments were heard, and how super the run was.  The crowd was entertained by a band by the name of Black Pearl, a great group of musicians who donated their time and talents providing a vast array of music for easy listening, energetic dancing and just foot tapping. BRAVO!!   Bobby Murphy, Lucia Baca and Jack Smith put a lot of effort in getting the ride a lot of attention and in attracting many riders to help our cause. We were real happy to have members of Poor Boys with us on this ride. They have supported us in the past on our events, and we are always happy to see them. Also there was the CMA Belen and New Mexico Patriots, so many different motorcycle groups were represented, next time we will have a place to indicate their affiliation on the registration form so we may thank them by name.    Lucia Baca was busy for weeks collecting door prizes, and letting it be known what it was all about and did a superb job in selling most of the tickets to raise money for the event.  As for making it a safe ride, Jack Smith created an interest by the Valencia County Sheriff’s Dept  to escort our close to 80 riders, and 40 co-riders (passengers) for a ride that lasted for over an hour, with no incidents.  All the officers donated their time to make this happen. Terry Gray of the Auxiliary was instrumental in getting all riders registered and collected the toys; along with a volunteer from CMA by the name of Rebecca she made that process run smoothly.  Several of our Post members that did not ride, showed up with toys at Ribs BBQ for the event.  I am not surprised, but I am so grateful for the generosity of the members of the community, local businesses, riders, and the Post.  You all made this a very special event. In addition to the hundreds of toys collected people opened their pocket book, contributing cash so that more toys could be
purchased.  Over $500 was donated to this cause.     It is so rewarding to know that our efforts will make it a better Christmas for so many children of our community. It is our hope to make it even more successful next year. 

A special thank you to local business for their donations:

            Rita’s Restaurant                           The Upholstery Guy

            Sears                                               Hair Innovations

            Walmart  Los Lunas                       Belen Nails               

            Walmart Belen                               All About You Day Spa     

            Los Lunas MotorSports                 Frances’s Restaurant

            Ribs BBQ Los Lunas                      Lucas Motor Oil
 If we have fogotten any, apologize, and thank you very much.
December 9th we had a Meat Loaf dinner, well attended and we had a great time, and made some money to boot! Thanks to those of you that provided the food and friendship. 

We have a dinner scheduled for Sunday January 20, 2013 at 4:00pm.  $7.00 donation for Chili and all the fixings, cornbread, and some fun too.  Get your tickets soon, we only have seating for 30, so don't be left out.  See you there!


On December 23rd Jack “Santa Clause” Smith visited the Post and distributed toys to the children adopted by the Auxiliary.  We had a room full of parents, children, post and unit members, and a visit from the pastor and his family from the church across from our Post.   It was so good to see the smiles on the faces of the little ones, thanks to YOU that were so generous with your donations of toys, food, and money.



Beginning next month, we will be mailing out the newsletter, only to those who are out of town, or who have difficulty in driving to the post to pick them up.  The newsletter will be emailed to those of you that have an e-mail address, and placed on a web "blog".  Our postage costs are more than we can afford at the present time. So Please stop by and pick it up between 11:00 and 1:00 Monday thru Friday.  520 Baca St. at the corner of 6th and Baca.  505-864-6709  or call me at  505-259-6755

A real big Thank You to Roberto Baldonado and his son for all the work they did cleaning up the back parking lot, it certainly looks better, and a lot more room for parking too.

Also, starting the first of the year, we will be checking for 2013 membership cards, so if you don't have your dues paid, be sure to get them in soon.
Thanks again to everyone for all you did this year, you have really helped to make a difference in our community. 
Barbara Bowman
Comander American Legion Post 81



I am so Proud of the Legion and Auxiliary!!!  Not only did we make our adopted families happy at Thanksgiving but we came through again at Christmas. All of the little ones got a gift they had been wanting from Santa.  And again another basket of food for the families.
Our Christmas Party was a huge success and thanks to everyone who showed up to help and enjoy some Christmas Cheer.  The look on the kids’ faces when Santa magically appeared was worth all the hard work and preparation.
THANK YOU to everyone who donated food and gifts and money to help make this a success.  If it wasn't for these special people, we couldn't have done it.  Thank You!!!
 I am glad to announce that the Auxiliary has 2 new members and we may be getting 2 more.  That would make our membership at 23.  Let’s keep growing!!!!
 Now on to 2013!!!   Our next meeting is January 9th (Wednesday) at 1 P.M.   Please be there as we need to start planning our next big adventure.

Terry Gray
President of the American Legion Auxiliary 

Meeting schedule and planned events for January.

January  9     Auxiliary Membership                                            1:00pm
January 12   Executive Board American Legion                     12:00pm
January 12   General Membership American Legion              1:00pm
January 19   Legion Rider Membership                                   10:00am
January 20   Chili Bowl Dinner                                                       4:00pm
For those of you who have internet access, we have created a blog.  This blog will allow you to have access to all information related to the Post anytime anywhere.
An effort will be made to keep information current, up to date, and provide information to the members in a timely manner.  Things such as special events that “pop up”, special member requests, illness, or informing you in the event a member has passed away.   On this blog pictures of interest will be posted.  We will try to keep it interesting.  Once you sign in on the blog you have the option to have it emailed to you, this option can be found on the right side, under the profile.  Fill in your e-mail and click, you will then receive the newsletter via email.
Simply type in the following-   in the address bar. After which you can either save it as a favorite, or opt to have it e-mailed to you.
Birthdays for the month of January:
                                                January    1               William Dean
                                                  January   18              William Trefsgar
Don’t forget to get your membership dues paid up for 2013, as mentioned before we will be checking for expired membership cards beginning January 1st. 
            Still in need of kitchen cabinets, and door repair in the kitchen.
            We have someone coming soon to give us a bid for providing water to the
            Kitchen, and give us running hot and cold water as well as
another  restroom.       
Dave Paquet is working on organizing a golf tournament as a fund raising event for the post.  Keep this in mind pass the word around to your friends and acquaintances.  In the past this has been a real good way to help the Post.
We want to think about back to school supplies for the students in our community, if we begin now, we will have a head start and be able to provide them with the things they need to feed their brain.
Often we hear of families who have lost their home due to fire, or just in a bad situation money wise to afford clothing needed for their children.  Victims of abuse with children are often in this situation.  We can help by building up a small stash of new and gently used clothing for children of various ages.
Thinking of our returning Veterans, recuperating in our local VA Hospital, we can collect personal comfort items ie; tooth paste, razors, deodorant, combs, brushes, lotions, body powder etc.  Items for both men and women are needed and appreciated . 
We soon hope to find more information on our local Valencia County Veterans in need.  A program has been brought to our attention that is working with those who need help, and have been ask to be a part of the solution.  There will be something happening in March.  We will let you know as soon as possible what our Post can do and what is needed.
A local family that has little is in need of a sofa, and a double bed if anyone has one to donate, leave word with the Post.
If you have any ideas or suggestions about what we can do to help those in need, or raise the needed money in order to help them,  let us know.